Today marks the launch of Meddling Adults, a whodunnit game show for charity created by Mike Schubert and co-produced by Multitude. Each week, two guests go head-to-head in a contest of solving children’s mysteries from classics like Encyclopedia Brown, Scooby Doo, and Nancy Drew.
NEXT STOP is Now Arriving
Announcing NEXT STOP, an Audio Sitcom from Multitude
We are delighted to announce our newest podcast: NEXT STOP, an audio sitcom about what happens in between big life moments. We will also be releasing the show’s full budget along with a detailed resource on fiction podcast production in April 2020. In an industry first, Multitude is self-funding this SAG-AFTRA production using a cash advance from membership platform Patreon.
5 Things I Learned Last Year to Survive as a Podcaster in 2020
MultiCrew Update!
Rent Our Studio!
How to Grow Your Podcast
The hunt for more listeners may feel like a Sisyphean task. But there are ways to make your podcast the easiest to find in your field. In this workshop, Multitude walks you through the best strategies for grass-roots marketing, improving discoverability, and collaborating with other shows (without spending all of your free time).
Inside an Indie Podcast Collective
Ever wondered what a podcast collective is and what it takes to start one? We’ve got you covered!
Listen in on our panel from Podcast Movement 2019 to hear all about how we created Multitude, what it takes to keep it running, and our plans for the future. Be sure to follow along with the slides from the presentation, too!