It's the MultiCrew Drive!

On October 1, 2017, Amanda registered the domain name “” That was the first step of launching a business where podcasters could make a sustainable living on their own terms. Six years later, we’ve built something pretty special: a resilient, independent media business that gives audio creators the tools to thrive. And we’re not stopping anytime soon. 

In the next few months, Multitude will be launching a new member show, throwing open our metaphorical doors (👀), announcing live shows in cities we’ve never performed in before, and releasing even more free resources for up-and-coming creators. And we believe 2024 will be our year. We need your help to make our future plans even bigger and better. The truth is, Multitude exists because of the support of listeners like you.

The best way you can support Multitude is joining the MultiCrew: our membership program that lets you, our listeners, help to fund new work from Multitude and get exclusive perks. That’s why, from now until October 1st, we are running the MultiCrew Drive! We’re putting TWO WEEKS ASIDE to highlight the ways your support makes a difference to us at Multitude and how that support gets paid back to you, our community!

Will you help us add 100 new and upgrading members to the MultiCrew by October 1? 

Here’s how it works:

  • If you join (or rejoin) the MultiCrew, upgrade your tier, or go from a monthly plan to an annual one by October 1, you will get a brand-new “This Mug Supports Conversational Podcasts That Bring People Together” mug. (And if you're already a MultiCrew member and don't want to upgrade or go annual, you can also just buy it at the lowest price we’re allowed to sell it at.)

  • All annual members will get their names inscribed forever on our We Put 2023 On Our Back Plaque which we will look at every day in the Multitude office. If you’re already a MultiCrew member on an annual plan, you’ll be on it! If you switch from monthly to annual by October 1, you’ll be on it! If you join between now and October 1, you’ll be on it too! Annual plans are particularly helpful to us, since we can count on a whole year of support instead of varying month to month. So we want to thank our annual members in particular, at every tier, with this new perk. And don’t worry, we’ll share many many photos.

We’re also donating a portion of any new revenue we raise this month to the North Brooklyn Angels, a local organization that provides free meals in our neighborhood. They started up in Greenpoint around the same time as us, and currently serve more than 1,500 meals each week to our neighbors from eight different locations. We’ll be making a donation for every new or upgrading member during the drive.

We’ll be talking about our jobs at Multitude and what it’s like making shows in 2023 on the podcasts, social media, newsletters, and more! And for all of our Multitude Community—everybody, not just MultiCrew members—we’ll be having a special virtual hangout with Multitude hosts and staff to wrap up the Drive. All you have to do is sign up for our free Discord server, then come celebrate with us! 

For as little as $5 a month, you can help support Multitude, and get exclusive audio content, including our weekly friendly debate podcast, Head Heart Gut, and our brand new monthly review podcast, The MultiCrew Review! We also offer annual plans with a special discount - get 2 months for free when you sign up for the year.

 If you’ve ever enjoyed one of our podcasts, laughed along with us at one of our jokes, looked at something a little differently after hearing an interview, made a friend through our shows, or felt more confident in yourself as a creator or a person, I hope you consider becoming a MultiCrew member.

So, 100 new and upgrading and switched-from-monthly-to-annual members. Two weeks. Many many mugs and one big ol’ plaque to engrave.

I think we can do this!

Join us now: