Our Resources
We believe that a rising tide lifts all ships. As professional podcasters, it’s our responsibility to help our peers flourish.
Check out our free articles and resources on how to make, grow, and earn money from your podcast here. Our affordable Podcast Starter Kit is available here, and you can also hire Multitude for one-on-one consulting. If you are part of a historically excluded group in audio, you can also request free consulting with our staff.
More Pre-Pro, Less Problems
Here is your definitive guide to podcasting pre-production: researching, planning, recording, and designing a successful show.
So You Want to Start a Fiction Podcast?
Our free in-depth guide on how to make fiction podcasts documents the production process of our sitcom podcast, NEXT STOP, as well as tips, resources, and templates to help you get your fiction podcast off the ground.
How to Get Podcast Sponsors
How do you get sponsors, set fair prices, and incorporate ads into your show without ruining it—all as an independent podcaster?